Thursday, December 9, 2010


我说我弟弟- 还真善良。
"cherry 哈?原来你比较喜欢那个~那我下次放那个啦。"


Monday, November 22, 2010

My brother loves his kindy

So we were passing by his kindy just now, on the way to shop in Yayasan

He was pressing his face into the mirror..

TW: Wa... look! My school! Ah... I miss my school

*cue blurry effect of someone reminiscing old times around him*

Me: Eh, are you thinking about ****** (his crush's name)?

TW snaps out of the blurry reminiscing mode and abruptly turns around.

TW: *frowns lightly* Why suddenly talk about her?

Then he throws himself on me and rolls around. In the car.

Ah... he loves his kindy.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My personality

I have a very calculative personality when it comes to money and i will always try to outsmart my dad with matter involving the greens :) And i am also a very safe conscious person ;) EVERY door must be safely secured before i sleep! I will make sure the bat (to use for bad guys) is in place, the windows and doors are locked myself, even if my dear mom had already checked

I am obsessed with war games and bought a complete set of soldier toys equipments such as guns, knifes and even a war helmet! Weeeee~~~ Next time, i'm defintely gonna buy an attire!
And everyone have to lay war games with me which i'll shoot them all dead! Yesh!!!!

I was watching my big brother playing some fighting games in which he said he's playing as a beautiful princess who can use magic! OMG! I asked him to fight a snake. But then, nothing happens and only words keep popping out. My brother say that it's some sort of text game and we need to have IMAGINATION~~!

Immediately, a light bulb lights up above my head! Yesh~~~!!! It's like.....


Ahahahahhahaha, i am turning out to be a real life cartoon xD

Thursday, September 9, 2010


This is what my lil bro says to me A LOT lately.
Dog Game= Pet Society of Facebook

Created a pet for him using someone else's account, and now he has a blooming garden, a food-filled kitchen and some bits and pieces of furniture. It's just too bad he doesn't have much friends playing ;)

Anyway, how he grew! Last I saw he's around 113-115cm tall. Up to the height of 'everyone's breasts' he said. So how? Why'd you grow so fast so tall?

Your big brother was just telling me how he remembers seeing you for the first time, and now look what a brat you've grown into! 6 years passed just like that! (No, he didn't actually say brat but yeah, you know his mouth)

I think, you don't want to grow up too right? Hah, if you grow up more, no one will let you watch TV as much as you want, you get more homeworks, and we'll definitely scream at you more (and you'll miss all my headrubs?)

Bet you wish you can shrink back?

Evidence as below

Self-rolled Sushi! Clever boy, rolling into a sushi so people can't see you, cept you forgot about your head?

You're still cute anyway. I hope for the next 10, 20 years, you'll still smile at me whenever I smack your head =)


Friday, April 23, 2010

pretty eyes + water + ultraman

Hello ! :D Let pictures speak :P

Ultraman 1 ! Sister No.1 draw one.

Ultra baby, ultra mummy and ultra dad ! :D (baby & man -sister no.1 draw one, ultra mummy, sister no.2 draw one )
I got such a beautiful and big eyes ;)



Gaming gaming ! Concentrating, dnt disturb me!

Hais lose liao :/












Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour!

Hey hey, look at what you did on Earth Hour!

Played around with your older brother's present from Japan- Check

Ran around the house- Check

Take a wacky photo- Check

Dance to WG Tell me- Check

Dance to Suju's Sorry Sorry- Check

Dance with your lionhead gear- Check

Ah... how memorable.

p.s. You're growing really fast!


Sunday, January 17, 2010


★ 一阵臭味 ★

同学: 我!

那个同学, 就是‘我’, 龚帝炜!

16/1/2010 的这一天, 我在学校大便在裤子上。
